
Capstone Turbine MRN Supplier OEM Database


Now Available

MRN Capstone Turbine parts numbers and original OEM manufacturers.

Includes Capstone Turbine models prior 2015, filter media, parts, etc.

We don't sell the parts, but can supply you with the OEM or supplier directly, so save on sales price mark-ups, etc.

Email: Capstone MRN Supplier Info

Capstone Search PDF Parts Listing

Capstone Turbine Patents List

Capstone Part Number: 30R-BG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-BG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $52,042.8

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-BG4-BO00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-BG4-BO00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $51,033.35

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-DD4-BO00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-DD4-BO00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $65,502.15

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-DG4-BO00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-DG4-BO00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $56,641.41

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-FD4-BO00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-FD4-BO00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $65,838.63

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-FG4-BO00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-FG4-BO00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $56,977.89

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-BO00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-BO00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $57,202.22

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HG4-BO00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HG4-BO00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $48,341.48

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-BG4-SC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-BG4-SC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $109,132.86

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-BG4-SH00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-BG4-SH00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $108,908.53

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-BG4-SU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-BG4-SU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $107,226.12

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-DH00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-DH00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $121,694.91

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-DU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-DU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $112,834.18

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-DUN0

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-DUN0

Price from 1/1/2009 : $114,067.95

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-SU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-SU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $116,086.85

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-DH00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-DH00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $106,440.99

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-DU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-DU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $97,580.25

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-DUN0

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-DUN0

Price from 1/1/2009 : $98,814.03

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-SU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-SU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $100,832.93

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-AG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-AG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $91,860.03

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-AG4-BH00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-AG4-BH00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $91,635.71

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-AG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-AG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $89,953.29

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-BG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-BG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $91,860.03

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-BG4-BH00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-BG4-BH00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $91,635.71

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-BG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-BG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $89,953.29

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-DD4-BO00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-DD4-BO00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $111,712.56

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-DG4-BO00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-DG4-BO00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $96,458.64

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $98,814.03

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-BUN0

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-BUN0

Price from 1/1/2009 : $100,047.8

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $83,560.1

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HG4-BUN0

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HG4-BUN0

Price from 1/1/2009 : $84,793.87

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200C-FD4-SH00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200C-FD4-SH00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $429,016.62

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200C-FG4-SH00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200C-FG4-SH00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $390,881.81

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-BG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-BG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $305,414.97

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-BG4-BH00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-BG4-BH00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $305,078.49

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-BG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-BG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $299,694.75

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-FD4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-FD4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $364,075.28

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-FG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-FG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $325,940.47

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-HD4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-HD4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $319,995.93

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-HG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-HG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $281,861.12

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 600R-BG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 600R-BG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $768,640.77

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 600R-BG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 600R-BG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $750,470.65

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 600R-FD4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 600R-FD4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $911,421.98

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 600R-FG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 600R-FG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $815,972.8

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 600R-HD4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 600R-HD4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $801,167.52

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 600R-HG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 600R-HG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $705,718.33

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 800R-BG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 800R-BG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $952,697.31

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 800R-BG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 800R-BG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $928,134.01

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 800R-FD4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 800R-FD4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,126,995.83

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 800R-FG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 800R-FG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,009,226.56

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 800R-HD4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 800R-HD4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $990,607.8

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 800R-HG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 800R-HG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $872,838.53

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-BG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-BG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,126,435.02

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-BG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-BG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,095,702.85

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-FD4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-FD4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,330,568.42

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-FG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-FG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,191,376.36

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-HD4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-HD4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,169,617.09

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-HG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-HG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,030,425.03

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-DD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-DD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $66,511.6

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-DG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-DG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $57,650.86

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $58,211.67

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-H000

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-H000

Price from 1/1/2009 : $66,735.92

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-HC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-HC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $67,745.37

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-ZAG0

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-ZAG0

Price from 1/1/2009 : $191,010.54

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-ZAT0

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-ZAT0

Price from 1/1/2009 : $194,375.38

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-ZJG0

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-ZJG0

Price from 1/1/2009 : $190,001.09

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-ZJT0

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HD4-ZJT0

Price from 1/1/2009 : $193,365.92

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-HG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $49,350.93

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-SD4-B000

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-SD4-B000

Price from 1/1/2009 : $60,454.89

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-SD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-SD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $61,464.34

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-SD4-H000

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-SD4-H000

Price from 1/1/2009 : $69,988.59

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-SD4-HC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-SD4-HC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $70,998.05

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-SG4-B000

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-SG4-B000

Price from 1/1/2009 : $51,594.16

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 30R-SG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 30R-SG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $52,603.61

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-DD4-DC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-DD4-DC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $127,639.46

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-DD4-DO00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-DD4-DO00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $125,732.72

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-DG4-DC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-DG4-DC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $112,385.53

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-DG4-DO00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-DG4-DO00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $110,478.79

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-DC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-DC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $114,740.92

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-DL00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-DL00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $123,601.65

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-SC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HD4-SC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $117,993.59

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-DC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-DC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $99,486.99

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-DL00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-DL00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $108,347.73

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-SC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-HG4-SC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $102,739.67

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-PD4-DC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-PD4-DC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $115,862.53

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-PD4-DU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-PD4-DU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $113,955.79

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-PG4-DC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-PG4-DC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $100,608.6

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65C-PG4-DU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65C-PG4-DU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $98,701.86

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-DD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-DD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $113,619.3

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-DG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-DG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $98,365.38

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $100,720.77

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-HC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-HC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $119,451.69

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-HU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-HU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $117,544.95

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-ZAG0

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-ZAG0

Price from 1/1/2009 : $247,203.3

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-ZAT0

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-ZAT0

Price from 1/1/2009 : $251,016.79

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-ZJG0

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-ZJG0

Price from 1/1/2009 : $245,296.56

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-ZJT0

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HD4-ZJT0

Price from 1/1/2009 : $249,110.05

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-HG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $85,466.84

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-PD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-PD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $101,842.38

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-PD4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-PD4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $99,935.64

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-PG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-PG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $86,588.45

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 65R-PG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 65R-PG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $84,681.71

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-AG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-AG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $305,414.97

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-AG4-BH00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-AG4-BH00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $305,078.49

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-AG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-AG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $299,694.75

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-FD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-FD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $369,795.51

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-FG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-FG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $331,660.7

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-HD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-HD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $325,716.15

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 200R-HG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 200R-HG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $287,581.34

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 600R-AG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 600R-AG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $768,640.77

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 600R-AG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 600R-AG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $750,470.65

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 600R-FD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 600R-FD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $929,592.1

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 600R-FG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 600R-FG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $834,142.91

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 600R-HD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 600R-HD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $819,337.63

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 600R-HG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 600R-HG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $723,888.44

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 600R-XXX-HXXX

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 600R-XXX-HXXX

Price from 1/1/2009 : $92,981.64

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 800R-AG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 800R-AG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $952,697.31

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 800R-AG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 800R-AG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $928,134.01

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 800R-FD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 800R-FD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,151,559.13

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 800R-FG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 800R-FG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,033,789.86

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 800R-HD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 800R-HD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,015,171.1

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 800R-HG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 800R-HG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $897,401.83

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 800R-XXX-HXXX

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 800R-XXX-HXXX

Price from 1/1/2009 : $97,692.41

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-AG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-AG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,126,435.02

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-AG4-BU00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-AG4-BU00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,095,702.85

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-FD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-FD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,361,300.59

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-FG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-FG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,222,108.53

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-HD4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-HD4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,200,349.26

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-HG4-BC00

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-HG4-BC00

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,061,157.2

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-XXX-HXXX

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 1000R-XXX-HXXX

Price from 1/1/2009 : $101,057.25

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C30GCE-FPS-70

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C30GCE-FPS-70

Price from 1/1/2009 : $241,862.87

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C30DME-FPS-70

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C30DME-FPS-70

Price from 1/1/2009 : $265,462.13

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C65GCE-FPS-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C65GCE-FPS-100

Description of Part: PowerTherm Capstone High Efficiency Integrated Boiler System with 1 x 65kw Grid Connect + 100HP 4 Pass Scotch Marine Boiler; includes related trim, valves, controls, etc.

Price from 1/1/2009 : $321,538.19

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C65DME-FPS-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C65DME-FPS-100

Description of Part: PowerTherm Capstone High Efficiency Integrated Boiler System with1 x 65kw Dual Mode + 100HP 4 Pass Scotch Marine Boiler; includes related trim, valves, controls, etc.

Price from 1/1/2009 : $352,089.17

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C65GCE-FPS-150

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C65GCE-FPS-150

Description of Part: PowerTherm Capstone High Efficiency Integrated Boiler System with 1 x 65kw Grid Connect + 150HP 4 Pass Scotch Marine Boiler; includes related trim, valves, controls, etc.

Price from 1/1/2009 : $332,961.27

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C65DME-FPS-150

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C65DME-FPS-150

Description of Part: PowerTherm Capstone High Efficiency Integrated Boiler System with 1 x 65kw Dual Mode + 150HP 4 Pass Scotch Marine Boiler; includes related trim, valves, controls, etc.

Price from 1/1/2009 : $371,561.61

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C65GCE-FPS-200

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C65GCE-FPS-200

Description of Part: PowerTherm Capstone High Efficiency Integrated Boiler System with 1 x 65kw Grid Connect + 200HP 4 Pass Scotch Marine Boiler; includes related trim, valves, controls, etc.

Price from 1/1/2009 : $366,625.28

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C65DME-FPS-200

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: PT-1C65DME-FPS-200

Description of Part: PowerTherm Capstone High Efficiency Integrated Boiler System with 1 x 65kw Dual Mode + 200HP 4 Pass Scotch Marine Boiler; includes related trim, valves, controls, etc.

Price from 1/1/2009 : $405,225.62

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 516011-001

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 516011-001

Description of Part: C30 System Crate

Price from 1/1/2009 : $554.16

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 516012-001

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 516012-001

Description of Part: C6X System Crate

Price from 1/1/2009 : $604.53

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 516020-001

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 516020-001

Description of Part: C6X ICHP System Crate

Price from 1/1/2009 : $755.67

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 521521-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 521521-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,148.61

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 521521-200

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 521521-200

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,813.6

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 522071-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 522071-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,595.97

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 522108-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 522108-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $27,204.03

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 522109-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 522109-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $27,204.03

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 522201-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 522201-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $27,808.56

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 522202-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 522202-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $27,808.56

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 507849-101

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 507849-101

Price from 1/1/2009 : $925.66

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 507849-201

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 507849-201

Price from 1/1/2009 : $441.55

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 523968-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 523968-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $52,256.93

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 524680-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 524680-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $52,256.93

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 610661-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 610661-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $811.08

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 508490-101

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 508490-101

Price from 1/1/2009 : $336.02

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 509949-101

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 509949-101

Price from 1/1/2009 : $196.98

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 509949-201

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 509949-201

Price from 1/1/2009 : $573.55

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 510694-001

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 510694-001

Price from 1/1/2009 : $249.12

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 510961-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 510961-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $590.93

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512933-001

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512933-001

Price from 1/1/2009 : $5,445.84

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 514715-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 514715-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $840.05

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 516220-102

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 516220-102

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,129.72

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 516221-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 516221-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,471.54

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 516253-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 516253-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,042.82

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 517472-101

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 517472-101

Price from 1/1/2009 : $15,410.58

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 521464-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 521464-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $2,456.42

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 523759-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 523759-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $3,678.84

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 610209-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 610209-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $521.41

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 610111-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 610111-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $2,230.48

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 520201-001

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 520201-001

Price from 1/1/2009 : $1,921.81

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 524466-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 524466-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $6,217.63

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512801-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512801-002

Description of Part: DMC, 125A, 440-480V (1-2 C30'S OR 1 C6X)

Price from 1/1/2009 : $4,804.53

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512503-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512503-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $7,913.35

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512504-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512504-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $12,265.69

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512505-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512505-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $15,148.41

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512506-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512506-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $17,974.61

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512507-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512507-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $22,044.33

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 524469-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 524469-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $6,217.63

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512802-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512802-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $4,804.53

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512508-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512508-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $7,913.35

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512509-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512509-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $12,265.69

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512510-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512510-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $15,148.41

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512511-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512511-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $17,974.61

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512512-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512512-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $22,044.33

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 524467-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 524467-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $6,217.63

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512914-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512914-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $4,804.53

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512915-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512915-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $7,913.35

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512916-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512916-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $12,265.69

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512917-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512917-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $15,148.41

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512918-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512918-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $17,974.61

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512919-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512919-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $22,044.33

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 524468-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 524468-100

Price from 1/1/2009 : $6,217.63

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512923-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512923-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $4,804.53

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512924-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512924-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $7,913.35

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512925-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512925-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $12,265.69

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512926-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512926-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $15,148.41

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512927-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512927-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $17,974.61

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512928-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512928-002

Price from 1/1/2009 : $22,044.33

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 527322-001

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 527322-001

Description of Part: Mod Bus UC-7112-LX PLUS

Price from 4/3/2014 : $485

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: Air Filter C30, C60, C65 - 20 inch

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: Air Filter C30, C60, C65 - 20 inch

Description of Part: Filter MEDIA: POWER CORE/SPIDERWEB DIAMETER: 20" DEPTH : 7"

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 508818-001

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 508818-001

Description of Part: BATTERY, 3V, 1200MAH, 2/3 A, BR-2/3A

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 510869-001

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 510869-001

Description of Part: ENGINE AIR FILTER (21") C30/C6X

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 507953-001 Fuel Filter Elem C30/C6X, NG, FOK

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 507953-001

Fuel Filter Elem C30/C6X, NG, FOK

Description of Part: Fuel Filter Elem C30/C6X, NG, FOK

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 520979-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 520979-100

Description of Part: DPC CONTROL BD,C30,SA/GC,HH

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 610003-101

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 610003-101

Description of Part: IGNITER REPLACEMENT KIT C30/C6X

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 520987-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 520987-100

Description of Part: BCT POWER BOARD,C30,HH

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 522265-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 522265-100

Description of Part: PCBA, DPC POWER BOARD - GREASED

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 610071-10

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 610071-10

Description of Part: INJECTOR KIT, C30, JNG

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 524905-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 524905-100

Description of Part: TET w/ Flange Replacement Kit - Greased

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 610228-100

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 610228-100

Description of Part: KIT, TET DB-9 TO K MINI CONN RETROFIT

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: Air Filter C30, C60, C65 - 20 inch

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: Air Filter C30, C60, C65 - 20 inch

Description of Part: Air Filter - C30, C60, C65 - 20 inch

Price from 4/16/2014 : $124.28

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: Air Filter - C200

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: Air Filter - C200

Description of Part: Air Filter - C200

Price from 4/16/2014 : $164.29

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 510921-003 and 510921-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 510921-003 and 510921-002

Description of Part: Fuel Pump

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 510921-002

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 510921-002

Description of Part: Fuel Pump

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: Software

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: Software

Description of Part: C30 System Sofware v5 Software Zip

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: Software

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: Software

Description of Part: C30 System Sofware v5 Software Notes

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: Software

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: Software

Description of Part: C60 System Sofware v3.82 ZIP Software

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: Software

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: Software

Description of Part: C30 System Sofware v4.76 ZIP Software

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: Software

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: Software

Description of Part: CRMS V4.25 Maintenance Edition

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: Software

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: Software

Description of Part: CRMS V4.25 Maintenance Setup

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: Software

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: Software

Description of Part: CRMS V4.25 User

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 512300-031

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 512300-031

Description of Part: ECM control board for C60

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 513182-001

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 513182-001

Description of Part: Battery Pack for C60 with 24 x 12 V Batteries

Price from 12/1/2013 : $6,500

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

Capstone Part Number: 503262-105

Capstone Turbine Part Number Listing

Capstone Part Number: 503262-105

Description of Part: BCT Control Board #503262-105

Supplier information available from Global Energy

Email: Capstone Part Supplier Info

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